Thursday 30 October 2014

Halloween: Spooky Branches

I wanted to do a Halloween mani that wasn't the usual skulls, ghosts and spiders and that was a bit more pretty looking. So here it is :)

To start I applied a base coat. Then on my thumb and ring finger I painted 3 coats of Barry M Fashion Icon (this is from the new Glitterati collection, all of which I bought the other day!). On my index, middle and little finger I painted 1 coat of China Glaze White on White, I only painted 1 coat as I will be doing a gradient over it.

For the gradient I used W7 Black and China Glaze Grape Pop and Spontaneous. I applied this with a small make-up sponge and then cleaned up around the edges using a cotton bud dipped on nail polish remover.

For the stamping I used MoYou Mother Nature Collection 01 and Konad Black. The tree on the stamping plate looks quite spooky to me, so I decided to stamp the branches from it.

To finish I applied a top coat of Seche Vite. On the stamped nails I was going to paint over China Glaze Matte Magic, but it has gone really gloopy :( so will need to get another one!

Also I thought I would share a couple of my recent purchases!

This is the Barry M Glitterati Collection, one of which I used in this mani. I saw them and just had to get them! I got them from Superdrug who at the moment have an offer of 3 for 2 on all cosmetics :)

And just before I started on this mani this came in the post, great timing Mr Postman! It is a Swarovski crystal glass nail file from Mont Bleu. I had never used a glass nail file before and this one is just amazing to use, and sooo pretty!

As always thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below :)

Sunday 26 October 2014

Pretty Paisley

Have been meaning to use this paisley pattern for a while now so here it is :)

Firstly I applied my base coat. Then on my thumb, middle and ring finger I applied 3 coats of Barry M Truffle Silk Effect, it would be fine with 2 coats but I just wanted to make it even more opaque. On my ring and little finger I applied 2 coats of Barry M Princess Textured Effect.
These polishes look so good together I could have just left my nails like this, but I can't resist adding stamping!

So on the nails painted with Truffle I then used Konad White to stamp this paisley pattern from Bundle Monster plate BM-315. I love this pattern, it's so delicate and pretty :)

To finish I applied a top coat of Seche Vite to the stamped nails (and smudged my thumb :()
And that is the mani finished!

As always thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below :)

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Chevrons and New Nail Shape

Decided to try a new nail shape so I went for Almond/Stiletto. Think it's going to take me a while to get used to, but I do like them :)
And obviously chevrons are just amazing!

Firstly on I applied a base coat on all my nails. On my thumb and middle fingers I applied 2 coats of China Glaze White on White. On my index and little finger I applied 2 coats of China Glaze Puur-fect Plum. And on my ring finger I applied 1 coat of W7 Black.

On top of the black on my ring finger I applied 2 coats of Rimmel Diamond Dust.

On the white on my thumb and middle finger I then applied nail stickers and painted W7 Black before removing the stickers. I made these chevron stickers using some insulation tape and patterned scissors.

I applied a top coat of Seche Vite and that is the mani finished :)

As always thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below :)

Sunday 12 October 2014

Dandelion Breeze

So in my last post I had finally finished the 31 Day Challenge!
It took me a while to decide what to do as I was so used to basically being told what I had to do lol!
But eventually I decided to do this Dandelion mani, I have seen a lot of these types of mani's done in many different ways. I loved the black and white ones where there was a persons face blowing the Dandelion, but I am rubbish at freehand so instead I came up with this...

I firstly applied my base coat. Then I painted 2 coats of Sally Hansen Gray By Gray. With the consistency I probably could have got away with 1 coat, but I prefer painting 2 just for perfect coverage.

I then did some stamping using Konad White and MoYou plate Pro Collection 04. As I may have mentioned before I LOVE the MoYou plates, they have a lot of variety and beautiful designs as well as full design plates and they stamp brilliantly!
I stamped the Dandelion pattern along with the little pieces blowing in the wind. I stamped parts of these randomly on all my nails, but I tried to place them so it looked like they flowed. So you can mess around with where you like them best :)

Finally I applied a coat of Seche Vite. I was thinking of doing them with a matte top coat, but I think that would have looked better if I had done black and white, so I just did them shiny!

As always thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below :)

Saturday 4 October 2014

31 Day Challenge 2014: Day 31 - Re-Create Your Favourite Day (Polka Dots)

Got a bit of a crisis going on at the moment so I quickly did my nails yesterday and just uploading today and linking to the previous version of these nails for the last day of this challenge. Here is the original of these nails, the only difference with colours is the pink rather than the blue, the pink is China Glaze Life Is Rosy.

I love polka dots and so I thought this was the best day to pick to re-create my favourite day of the challenge.
I am so glad the challenge is over now, I just hope I can come up with ideas of what to do now!

As always thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below :)