Wednesday 27 August 2014

31 Day Challenge 2014: Day 26 - Inspired by a Pattern

Love dogtooth nails so I decided to do the dogtooth pattern for this challenge day.

First I painted a base coat. Then on my thumb, index, middle and little finger I painted 2 coats of China Glaze White On White. On my ring finger I painted 2 coats of Barry M's Majesty.

On all the nails painted white I stamped this dogtooth pattern using Konad Black. The pattern was stamped from Bundle Monster plate BM-322.

On my index and ring finger I used sticky tape to separate each nail in half. I then painted over the nail using Barry M Mint Green and removed the tape carefully.
Once this was dry I used a dotting tool and Barry M Majesty again to go along the edge created by the tape.

I then painted a coat of Seche Vite on all nails apart from the ring finger, as Majesty is a texture polish, and that is the mani finished.

Only a few more manis to go and that will be the challenge finished! Seems like I have been doing it for ages now...

As always thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below :)

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