Friday 27 June 2014

31 Day Challenge 2014: Day 16 - Tribal Print

I do have some tribal print stamping images, but I thought for a change I would try doing a design by hand :)

First I applied my usual base coat. I then painted 3 coats of Essie's Mademoiselle.

Last week I ordered some Sharpie pens. I have seen a few people do nail art with Sharpie's so I thought I would give it a try :)
I didn't want to try anything to complicated for my first attempt using it, so I came up with this design. I waited until my nail polish was completely dry and I then started drawing the lines with the black.
I left some areas plain.

Once the design was done I carefully painted over with a coat of Seche Vite.
Then on the areas that I had left plain I used Barry M's Majesty texture polish and filled it in.

Quite a simple mani, but it did take me a while using the pen for the first time. But I think as I use them more I will get better.

As always thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below :)

Friday 20 June 2014

31 Day Challenge 2014: Day 15 - Delicate Print

Love this stamp and hadn't used it yet, I think it's quite delicate :)

First I applied my base coat then I painted 1 coat of W7's white. I do this whenever I do a gradient as it makes the colours look a lot better.

I used 3 colours for this gradient, from left to right they are Sally Hansen's Casting Call, China Glaze's For Audrey and Electric Beat. I did the gradient one way on my thumb, index and little finger and the opposite way on my middle and ring finger.

Over the gradient I applied one coat of Sally Hansen's Hidden Treasure (the newer version).

I then used Konad's white special polish and I stamped this roses pattern from MoYou's Princess collection plate 09 on every nail.

I appled a coat of Seche Vite to finish and that is the mani done. Love the pastel look of this mani, very summery for the nice weather over the past week.

As always thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below :)

Sunday 15 June 2014

31 Day Challenge 2014: Day 14 - Flowers

Love the stamping used for this mani, bought the plate partly for this pattern. Quite a simple one this time after my last mani lol!

I first applied a base coat as always. Then I painted 2 coats of China Glaze's Spontaneous.

After that was dry I applied 1 coat of Max Factor's Fantasy Fire. I have had this for ages and hadn't got round to using it yet, so it's about time!

I then stamped using Konad's black and these two patterns from MoYou plate 04 of the Pro Collection. The left of the two pattern where the flowers are not filled in I stamped on my middle and ring finger. The right pattern where the flowers are filled in I stamped on my thumb, index and ring finger.

I then waited a little and applied a top coat of Seche Vite to finish.

Love this mani, it is so simple but gives a great effect.

As always thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below :)

Sunday 8 June 2014

31 Day Challenge 2014: Day 13 - Animal Print

Have done lots of different types of animal print nails before, so I thought for the challenge I would do a different print on each nail :)

To start I painted a base coat onto my nails. On my thumb and ring finger I then painted 2 coats of W7's White. On my index and little finger I painted 2 coats of China Glaze's Kalahari Kiss. And on my middle finger I painted 2 coats of China Glaze's Westside Warrior.

On my thumb nail I have done cow print. For this I used Konad's black special polish and stamped the cow print from Cheeky plate CH1.

On my index finger I have done tiger print. Firstly I used a small makeup sponge and China Glaze's Life Preserver and sponged this over a couple parts of the nail. I then used Konad's black special polish and stamped the pattern from Cheeky plate CH2.

On my middle finger I have done a scales crocodile print. I stamped the pattern from Pueen plate Pueen10 using 3 different colours, Sally Hansen Insta-Dri's Coco a-go-go, KIKO's Lime Green and Barry M's Gold Foil. I dotted these colours in a few different places on the pattern, then scraped and stamped as usual.

On my ring finger I have done zebra print. I used Konad's black special polish and the zebra pattern from Konad plate m57.

On my little finger I have done leopard print. I used Konad's black special polish and the leopard pattern from Konad plate m57. I then used a dotting tool to fill in some parts of the pattern with Avon's Vintage Boutique.

Once all my nails were dry I carefully applied a top coat of Seche Vite and that is the mani finished!

Love this mani! All the different patterns look great together and so colourful :)

As always thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below :)

Thursday 5 June 2014

31 Day Challenge 2014: Day 12 - Stripes

Have done one of these reciprocal gradients before, and although I hate using striping tape I thought I would still do it. Think I did manage to do it a bit quicker than when I first tried it, but striping tape is still really annoying!

Firstly as I always do when I do a gradient I painted 1 coat of W7's White over my base coat.

For the gradient I went from purple to blue, and the colour in between is a blue and purple mix. From left to right they are Sally Hansen Insta-Dri's Lively Lilac, Barry M's Bikini and Sally Hansen Insta-Dri's Brisk Blue. I was going to do my middle and ring finger with the gradient going in the opposite direction but I forgot lol.

To create the reciprocal gradient I used striping tape and applied 3 strips going from the tip of my nail to the cuticle. I then did a gradient using the same colours but doing it the opposite way that I had done originally and carefully peeled off the striping tape.

I let my nails dry and then applied a top coat of Seche Vite.
I like the colours together and how they have turned out, but it definitely took too long to apply the striping tape for me to be doing another one of these mani's anytime soon!

As always thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below :)