Friday 20 June 2014

31 Day Challenge 2014: Day 15 - Delicate Print

Love this stamp and hadn't used it yet, I think it's quite delicate :)

First I applied my base coat then I painted 1 coat of W7's white. I do this whenever I do a gradient as it makes the colours look a lot better.

I used 3 colours for this gradient, from left to right they are Sally Hansen's Casting Call, China Glaze's For Audrey and Electric Beat. I did the gradient one way on my thumb, index and little finger and the opposite way on my middle and ring finger.

Over the gradient I applied one coat of Sally Hansen's Hidden Treasure (the newer version).

I then used Konad's white special polish and I stamped this roses pattern from MoYou's Princess collection plate 09 on every nail.

I appled a coat of Seche Vite to finish and that is the mani done. Love the pastel look of this mani, very summery for the nice weather over the past week.

As always thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below :)

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