Monday 28 April 2014

31 Day Challenge 2014: Day 5 - Blue

I left day 4's mani on for quite a while as I really liked it, but today half of it was chipped off so it was time for day 5!

Day 5 is blue, blue is probably one of my favourite colours and I have many blue nail polishes so this one was quite easy for me :P

Firstly I applied my base coat, then on my thumb, middle and ring finger I painted just one coat of W7's white. Then on my index and little finger I painted 2 coats of Barry M's Green Berry Gelly polish.

On the nails that I had painted white I created a gradient. For this gradient I used Barry M's Green Berry, Guava and Blue Grape, all Gelly polishes.
I created this gradient using a cheap makeup sponge. I painted the polishes in lines together on a dappen dish then pressed the sponge lightly onto them then dabbed a few times onto my nail. Do not dab too many times on your nail as sometimes little bits of the sponge can go onto your nail if it gets too dry.

Once this was dry I stamped a pattern onto the gradient nail using the darkest colour, Barry M's Blue Grape. Yes the Barry M Gelly polishes stamp! The stamping is this tentacle pattern taken from MoYou's Sailor Collection plate 04.
Then on my index and little finger I painted some of Barry M's Treasure Chest flaky polish, this is from the Aquarium Collection.

Once everything was dry I applied Seche Vite as a top coat.
I am quite pleased with this mani although I don't think it is obvious that the stamping is meant to be tentacles. But I like it all the same :)

As always thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below :)

Thursday 17 April 2014

31 Day Challenge 2014: Day 4 - Green

So I really didn't like the day 3 yellow nails I posted yesterday, so off they came and here is day 4 green!
I really like these, I have been wanting to try camo nails for a while so I thought now would be a good time to do so.

First I applied my base coat and then on my thumb, index and little finger I painted 2 coats of China Glaze's Kalahari Kiss. Then on my middle and ring finger I painted 2 coats of China Glaze's Westside Warrior.

I then began to create the camo pattern. I had seen in various tutorials that it is better to apply the lightest colour you are using first. My lightest colour was the brown which is Avon's Vintage boutique. The next colour I applied was China Glaze's Westside Warrior and the last colour was W7's Black.
I applied each colour so that they slightly overlapped some of the previous colours and I made sure that there was plenty of space left to see the original pale base colour. This creates the camo pattern.

On my middle and ring finger I applied 2 square metal nail studs. I applied them at an angle so that they created a diamond shape near the cuticle of my nail. I applied China Glaze's Matte Magic top coat and then pressed these onto the wet polish.

I painted a coat of China Glaze's Matte Magic top coat on the rest of my nails and that is the finished mani :)
I really like how this came out and I hope you like it too and will want to try it! It is a lot easier than I thought it was going to be.

As always thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below :)

Wednesday 16 April 2014

31 Day Challenge 2014: Day 3 - Yellow

So this is day 3 of the challenge, and I had to do yellow. I am not a fan of this mani, but I found it really difficult to come up with something so I thought I would do this so it sort of looks like an easter mani.

To begin I applied my base coat. Then on my thumb, index and little finger I painted 2 coats of Barry M's Station Road which is a texture polish. And on my thumb and ring finger I painted 2 coats of Barry M's Lemon Ice-cream.

I then did some stamping on my middle and ring finger. I used the Pueen38 stamping plate and the pattern that is shown. I used 3 colours for the stamping, from left to right they are Sally Hansen's Insta-Dri Jade Jump, Presto Pink and Lively Lilac.

I then applied Seche Vite over the stamped nails and not over the texture nails. And that is the finished mani.
As I said I don't really like this mani, but I am determined to do the challenge so I will probably end up with some that I don't like.

As always thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below :)

Monday 7 April 2014

31 Day Challenge 2014: Day 2 - Orange

As I have said in my previous post I am doing the 31 day nail challenge, however I am not doing a mani everyday, it will probably be more like every week lol. Please go to my previous post to see what the challenge will entail :)

I have seen this saran wrap/cling-film technique a lot so I thought I would try it for myself!

Firstly I applied my Barry M all in one as a base coat. I then applied 1 coat of China Glaze's Heli-Yum.

To create the marble look I have used the saran wrap/cling-film technique. So to start I cut up 10 pieces of cling-film and scrunched them into little balls, keeping them fairly loose so that there was enough crinkled up parts.

I then applied 1 coat of Sally Hansen's Insta-Dri Man-go Team! I applied this to one nail and then straight away I dabbed the cling-film over the nail until I got the look I wanted. I did this to each nail one at a time.

I wasn't entirely sure about the finished result, so I decided to add some little diamanté studs on my middle and ring finger. To do this I put a little bit of clear polish on  the area I wanted to apply the studs and then picked a stud up on my finger and pressed it onto the nail.

I applied a top coat of Seche Vite, and that is the finished mani :)
I'm really pleased with how they have turned out and I am sure I will be using this technique a lot more in the future!

As always thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below :)

Tuesday 1 April 2014

31 Day Challenge 2014 - Day 1 - Red

Hey everyone! I have been wanting to do a 31 day nail challenge for a while now.
Over at the NPQ's google+ community a few other members have started doing this challenge today :)
I however won't be doing a mani everyday like some others, I will instead spread the challenge out over a longer period of time, but every mani from now on will be a challenge mani!
The first day is red and below is the list for the rest of the days if you would also like to give this challenge a go :)

I first applied Barry M's all in one base coat top coat and nail hardener. Then on my thumb, middle finger and little finger I painted 2 coats of Sally Hansen's Insta-Dri Rapid Red. On my index finger 2 coats of W7's White and on my ring finger 2 coats of Essie's Mademoiselle.

Once dry I then used Cheeky stamping plate CH6 to stamp the polka dot pattern in Rapid Red on my index finger and Konad's Special White on my middle finger.

On my ring finger I used a reinforcement ring to create a half moon shape on my nail and then painted over it with the Rapid Red.

Then over the line of that I stamped a bow in Konad's Special White from the Pueen12 stamping plate.

On the bow I then stuck on a small red diamanté nail stud.

On my thumb and little finger I painted one coat of Avon's Ruby Slippers.

I applied Seche Vite as a top coat and that is the mani finished :)
Hope you like it!

As always thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below :)