Saturday 28 September 2013

Dexter Blood Splatter Nails

So Dexter has finished and I'm kind of sad :( plus I have seen quite a few blood splatter nails around and it is coming up to Halloween so I thought why not do them myself :)

First I applied my usual basecoat, I used Barry M basecoat, topcoat and nail hardener. Then I painted 2 coats of Barry M White. I really wanted the edge by my cuticle to be neat so I used a brush dipped in nail polish remover to neaten them up and I think I have done and ok job.

Now for the fun part :)
So to do the blood splatter I cut off a piece of straw and then I put some nail polish in a section of a plastic dish I have, the polish I have used is OPI Quarter of a Cent-Cherry (this colour is actually perfect for this mani). I then dipped the one end of the straw into the polish, you have to do this a few times until a film of polish covers the hole of the straw (should have taken a picture to show you what I mean but hopefully you get what I mean). Then you just try your best to aim for your nail and blow through the other end of the straw. You have to do quite a strong quick blow when doing this otherwise it won't work and the film of polish will just pop rather than fly out of the straw.
As you can see this does make a lot of mess as it is difficult to aim for your nail and this was after doing the first nail so you can imagine what it was like by the end lol.

Hopefully then you will end up with something like this :)
For each nail I blew some polish on a few times, but of course you can just do this once or more times depending on how much coverage you want on your nail.
I have seen some people wrap tape around their nail when they do this splatter technique, but I was too lazy and I actually found it easier to just clean up my skin afterwards, but it is up to you which way you do it.

I did this on both hands and then let it dry before applying my topcoat (which is the same as my basecoat).
As you can see you never get the same pattern on each nail which is why I like this mani. Also it was quite fun doing it :) so maybe you should give it a go for Halloween!

Thanks for visiting :) and as always if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below!

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