Monday 9 September 2013

Birthday Nail Mail!

It was my birthday a couple of weeks ago so I ended up spending most of my birthday money on nail goodies... OOPS! These are the lovelies I have bought, in this post I am going to show images of the stamping plates and I am also going to do swatches of all the polishes.

This is the rectangle stamping plate. This is my first plate from MoYou so I haven't tested the stamping quality yet, but the quality of it certainly looks very good. I may use this plate for my next mani so will comment on the quality then :)
The images are very pretty and I think I will use this plate a lot!
I bought this plate from for £4.99.

These are the Pueen plates, this is the Love Elements collection. I already have the first collection of plates by Pueen, and this set is just as amazing! I have used one of the plates as I did a mani for my mom, and they stamp really well. Of course all the images are amazing the same as the first set, really love these!
When I bought the first set of these plates I couldn't order them anywhere from the UK, but now on Amazon UK they have both sets, which is where I got these from so I was very happy :)

I bought these OPI sets from eBay, they were both just over £10 but of course prices change depending on the seller, these sets can also be found on Amazon for a similar price.
The top set is the Bond Girls mini liquid sand collection and the bottom set is the Euro Centrale mini collection.

So this is the full Bond Girls set, I ordered the larger to polishes seperate. I love how tiny the mini ones are, they look so cute next to the large ones!
From left to right they are, Honey Ryder, Tiffany Case, Jinx, Vesper, Pussy Galore and Solitaire.

The first three swatches from left to right are Honey Ryder, Tiffany Case and Jinx. These three are my favourite of the collection. Honey Ryder is a lovely golden sand colour, it has small bits of glitter in it, but when on this gives it a shimmer effect. Tiffany Case is just amazing, it is the prettiest blue colour and it has smaller and bigger bits of glitter in it. Jinx is a pretty orange/red colour, and this has bits of golden glitter in it which just looks so good against the base colour.

These next three from left to right are Vesper, Pussy Galore and Solitaire. I am not very keen on Vesper but the other two along with Jinx are definitely going to be polishes that I will be buying in the original size!
Vesper is a very dark purple, but once it is on it is very difficult to see the purple in it, it doesn't really have much of a shimmer to it or any glitter so I am not really sure if I will use this colour. Pussy Galore is a lovely pink colour with lots of shimmer to it and it just looks really pretty and feminine. Solitaire is a white shimmer similar to Pussy Galore but this also has small bits of silver glitter in it, I can see myself using this for a lot of winter manis.

These are the polishes from the Euro Centrale mini collection, from left to right they are Can't Find My Czechbook, Suzi's Hungary AGAIN!, You're Such A Budapest and OY-Another Polish Joke!

Again from left to right these are Can't Find My Czechbook, Suzi's Hungary AGAIN!, You're Such A Budapest and OY-Another Polish Joke!
Can't Find My Czechbook is a lovely blue, I will use this colour a lot. Suzi's Hungary AGAIN! is a very girly pink, it is not too bright but it has a nice pop to it. You're Such A Budapest is a very light lavender and really pretty. OY-Another Polish Joke! is a big reason why I bought this set, I will probably end up buying this in the normal size. This swatch is done with 2 thick coats, it has a great shine to it in the flash, but with one coat this will be a lovely top coat.

So that is my latest haul, I think I will need to have a break from buying anything for a while now lol!

If you have anything to say or any questions please comment below :)

Thanks for visiting my blog!

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