Sunday 20 July 2014

31 Day Challenge 2014: Day 20 - Water Marble

So I am officially giving up on water marble! Yesterday I tried to do it and it was a complete fail! I have told my mom and boyfriend that if I ever say I'm going to try it again then they need to slap me!
Lol rant over...

After applying my base coat I painted 2 coats of W7's White on my thumb, middle and ring finger. On my index and little finger I painted 2 coats of Barry M's Guava. Then on top of the white nails I painted a coat of Sally Hansen's Hidden Treasure (new version).

On my thumb and ring finger I stamped this water marble stamp from Bundle Monster plate BM-320 using Sally Hansen Insta-Dri's Teal-y Fast. Then I used a dotting tool and Barry M's Silver Foil to place some dots around the water marble pattern.
A complete cop out for water marble I know!!

Then on my middle finger I placed small clear diamantes on my nail to cover all of it. And on my index and little finger I painted a coat of Sally Hansen's Hidden Treasure (old version).

A coat of Seche Vite to finish and that is the mani done :)

As always thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below :)

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