Tuesday 4 March 2014

Pastel Patches

So I recently got the CYO set of Bundle Monster plates and saw this patch design and thought it would be awkward to get the colours to line up right underneath. Then I realised I could make my own decal so that's what I did :) I will explain how below!

So first I applied my Seche Clear base coat. I then applied a different colour to each nail so from left to right they are...
2 coats of Avon's Luxe Lavender, 2 coats of Barry M's Mint Green, 2 coats of Barry M Lemon Ice-Cream, 1 coat of W7's White and 2 coats of Barry M's Blueberry Ice-Cream.

Then to make the decal. I used Konad's black special polish and used it to stamp the patch pattern from Bundle Monster plate BM-411. I then used the 4 colours I painted my nails with, minus the white, to paint over the separate patches. Once that was dry I painted over a coat of Seche Vite then also waited for that to dry. Once it was I used a metal cuticle pusher to help carefully remove it from the stamper. Then on my ring finger with the white polish on I applied a coat of Seche Vite and while this was still wet I gently pressed the decal on to my nail. The excess I then cut/pulled away until the edges were neat.

I let everything dry and then applied a coat of Seche Vite to each nail and that is the finished mani!

As always thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below :)

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