Tuesday 22 October 2013

Emerging Swirls

If any of you are regular visitors to my blog you may have noticed me making a few changes over the last couple of weeks. First of all I have changed the layout to be more simple and as of this post my picture watermark is different as I have finally worked out how to curve the text around my nail. I think it looks a lot better like this :)
Another change I have made is that I have made some more social network profiles. These are now accessible around my page and at the end of every post. They link to my Bloglovin', Pinterest, Tumblr, Google+ and Twitter. So don't forget to follow if you also have a profile with any of these sites!

Anyway onto my latest mani...

In my previous post I said I was going to use my pattern scissors for my next mani, I did this mani last night and it took me a while as I was a bit dizzy. I did try cutting the strips I wanted with a zig zag design, but I wasn't getting them as equal as I wanted so in the end I got frustrated and did this instead :)
However I will try my best to use them when I feel well enough to fully concentrate.

Firstly I applied my basecoat, I used Barry M basecoat, topcoat and nail hardener. Then I painted 2 coats of China Glaze Re-Fresh Mint. This is a lovely really light pastel mint colour.

On my middle and ring fingers I created a gradient. For this I again used China Glaze Re-Fresh Mint along with China Glaze For Audrey and Barry M Gelly Guava. These colours are very closely matching they just get gradually darker so a very sublte gradient but I love these colours!

I applied a topcoat on top of the gradient nails as when I sponge the colours onto my nail they sometimes go a bit bumpy. Once this was dry I used Pueen plate Pueen13 and Barry M Gelly Guava to stamp this swirl design.

Then on the rest of my nails I painted a coat of Sally Hansen's Hidden Treasure. In this post I show this polish applied to various colours to show how different it can look, it really is a beautiful polish. I was really lucky to get this as it has been discontinued and is hard to find and generally quite expensive. But just do a lot of researching and hopefully you can find one somewhere!

And this is the finished mani with topcoat applied. My aim with the gradient nails was for the swirl pattern to gradually emerge and I think it looks quite good! I will definitely be using this effect again :)

I hope you all like it too, and as always if you have any questions or anything at all to day please comment below and I will reply!

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