Saturday 13 December 2014

Let It Snow

Another Christmas mani :)

To start I painted a base coat on my thumb, middle and little finger then once dry I painted 2 coats of A England Tristam.

Then on my thumb and ringer finger I painted a base coat and while wet quickly sprinkled over Ciate Let It Snow loose glitter. I wasn't happy with the coverage of doing this once, so I actually did this twice. The second time I used a cheap clear coat that I didn't mind getting glitter in, I also painted this over the top.

On my index and little finger I stamped this pattern from MoYou Festive Collection plate 06 using Konad White. I left the middle finger without stamping as I didn't want to completely cover up all of the amazing Tristam.

I applied a top coat of Seche Vite to all nails and that is the mani finished.

As always thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below :)

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