Friday 12 July 2013

For the Love of Audrey

So my favourite colour in the world is China Glaze For Audrey, and I am wearing a dress on Sunday that has a bit of this colour in so I thought it was a good excuse to use it! :D

And here is the best colour in the world! This is 2 coats of For Audrey and if you can't see from this picture how amazing this colour is then there must be something wrong with your eyes!! Lol

On my thumb and ring finger I have done a glitter gradient, I used W7 Silver Dazzle and near the tip of the nail I also used Barry M Diamond Glitter. This picture really doesn't do it justice, it looks so good in the sun!! On my toe nails I also used For Audrey and I applied Barry M Diamond Glitter all over each nail, this makes any polish look amazing.

On my index, middle and little finger I have done some simple stamping. For this I used Bundle Monster plate BM-314 along with Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Emerald Express. This colour is a shimmer colour and as you can see it stamps really well and it looks so good with this colour.

And here is the completed mani. This is a very simple design and was quite easy to do, although it has been rather hot today so because of this I kept knocking nails and messing them up :( but they turned out well in the end so I am happy :)

Hope you like them too, please comment if you have any questions or anything to say!

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