Wednesday 7 December 2016


Part of me is sad to be making this post today, however I have been thinking about this for a while now. I have made the decision to finish posting to my blog.

A big reason for this is because I don't really get much interaction on here from comments or +1's. I know that part of this is because Google+ no longer allows the +1's and comments to link to my blog post. However I am still getting page views. And although I appreciate the page views, I just feel like I am doing the extra work to make a blog post for not much reason anymore.

I run an Instagram account and I get a lot more interaction on there, so I will still be running this along with my Google+ account. On my Instagram I will also continue to post pictorials. So if you do follow this blog and are still interested in seeing my nails and how I do them then you can follow me here on Instagram and here on Google+. There is a new mani up today.

Thank you for visiting, if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below.

Friday 2 December 2016

NOTD: Frozen Pond

I did a snowflake pond mani last year with purples and I loved it. So I couldn't wait to do another one this Christmas! I love how it turned out 😍

To begin as always I applied a base coat to all nails. Then I painted 1 coat of OPI Don't Touch My Tutu.

For the stamping I used Uber Chic Beauty plate Christmas-01 and Born Pretty Store XL clear stamper. I stamped with Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Style Steel and A England Spirit Of The Moors.

For the pond mani effect I stamped between layers of Don't Touch My Tutu. I stamped first with Spirit Of The Moors, then on the second layer with Style Steel and on the last layer with Spirit Of The Moors again. I didn't paint over with Don't Touch My Tutu on the last layer of stamping.
I applied Rainbow Connection Zap Skin Protector around my nails to make clean up easier.

To finish I applied a top coat of Seche Vite.

As always thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or anything to say then please comment below :)

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